The Executor serves as Darth Vader's personal flagship during the events of The Empire Strikes Back, leading the Death Squadron against the Rebel Alliance on Hoth and in pursuit of the Millennium Falcon. Spacecraft appearing in the original trilogy Death Star 4 Spacecraft appearing in Star Wars Legends.3.4 Imperial / Jedi Light Cruiser ( Arquitens-class light cruiser).3.3 Imperial Freighter ( Gozanti-class cruiser).3.2 Hammerhead corvette ( Sphyrna-class corvette).3 Spacecraft appearing in other Star Wars media.2.17 Trade Federation Landing Ship (C-9979 Landing Craft).2.16 Trade Federation battleship ( Lucrehulk-class battleship).2.14 Techno Union Starship ( Hardcell-class Interstellar Transport).2.11 Republic Cruiser ( Consular-class cruiser).2.10 Republic Attack Cruiser ( Venator-class Star Destroyer).

1 Spacecraft appearing in the original trilogy.