This means they lose their enhancement bonus, deal less base damage, and provoke attacks of opportunity.

The level 19 faerie dragon familiar is bugged in that it has 3 uses per day of a daze bolt, and no use of improved invisibility or its confusion bolt.Their bite was intended to improve to 1d6 base damage at level 35, then to 1d8 at level 40, but due to a bug, faerie dragon familiars have no creature weapon at these levels and resort to unarmed strikes with a base damage of 1d2 (and no enhancement bonus). At later levels, their natural weapon (a bite) gets an enhancement bonus.

They can also cast improved invisibility with a caster level equal to their master's, subject to a maximum of 15, as well as use a confusion bolt. Trained skills: (‡) hide, listen, search, spot, taunt (at level 21) (No skills improve after level 29.)įeats: alertness, darkvision, immunity to sleep, improved evasion, weapon proficiency (creature), dodge (at level 21), mobility (at level 21), nature sense (at level 21)īlueprint: (‡) x0_fm_fdrg01 to x0_fm_fdrg40 Special abilities įaerie dragon familiars are immune to paralysis and have spell resistance that increases with their master's level.